
摘 要:


1广西大学农学院, 南宁530004

2广西农业环境与农产品安全重点实验室, 南宁530004

3广西高校作物栽培与生理重点实验室, 南宁530004

4广西大学农牧产业发展研究院, 南宁530004


摘要: 薯蓣皂苷元属甾体皂苷类化合物是薯蓣属植物中代表性的药用成分具多重药理学活性也是300






Advances on diosgenin biosynthesis pathways and their key genes

LI Wenyan1, HUANG Jingli1, LI Changzhou1, HUANG Jinmei1, XIAO Dong1,2,3, ZHAN Jie1,2,3,

WANG Aiqin1,2,3, ZHANG Pinggang4, HE Longfei1,2,3,4,*

1College of Agronomy, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China

2Guangxi Key Laboratory for Agro-Environment and Agro-Product Safety, Nanning 530004, China

3Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology, Guangxi University, Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang

Autonomous Region, Nanning 530004, China

4Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Industry Development Research Institute, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China

*Corresponding author (lfhe@gxu.edu.cn)

Abstract: Diosgenin, a steroid saponin compound, is a representative medicinal component in Dioscorea.

It plays a direct role in multiple pharmacological activities. Diosgenin is also an important precursor sub-

stance to produce more than 300 steroid hormones. In this paper, the research progresses on the distribu-

tion, biosynthesis process, function, and its catalytic mechanism of diosgenin biosynthesis key enzyme

genes are reviewed, including squalene epoxidase, cycloartenol synthase, cytochrome P450 enzyme and

uridine diphosphate glycosyltransferase etc. It provides the reference for improving the content of dios-

genin in plants and promoting genetic breeding and cultivation of Dioscorea.

Key words: diosgenin; steroid saponin; biosynthesis; secondary metabolite

收稿 2023-08-22 修定 2024-06-10

资助 财政部和农业农村部: 国家现代农业产业技术体系资助(CARS-21)、国家自然科学基金(81860670)、广西自然科学基金重点项目


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